the boys season 2 Mother Milk

The Boys Season 2 Preview – I am Hyped!

This week, The Boys Season 2 Trailer dropped and let me tell you, this season is going to be crazy!

In Season 1, we unlearn everything other superhero shows have ever taught us. Most times, the hero goes through a traumatic moment to get their powers/abilities. They start out wanting to do good and recruit others to build a super team of random people to do good in efforts to protect their city. Their lair is typically in some underground bunker or lab where they store their uniforms until they’re needed. They even have the same rules: “don’t use your powers for personal gain” and “no killing”.

NOT THE BOYS! They actually have a team called “The 7”, which is like an interesting comparison to Justice League with a strong anti-superhero premise. But to get on the team, you have to submit an audition tape like we saw Starlight do as if she was trying to get on a reality show. They are based out of a corporate building and instead of a team of misfits, they are assisted by individuals who specialize in marketing, communications, and social media. They wear their uniforms everywhere and they thrive on fame and social media praise. Oh, and they kill. Viciously. They actually aren’t good people and you learn more as the season progresses. The character development is amazing. 

Besides the bone-breaking, head-decapitating fight scenes, the one thing I am looking forward to is Black Noir! He’s definitely a wild card for me. He had little to no screen time but still had enough of a presence to be highly intrigued by who he is.  The original comics came out in 2006 but were quickly canceled because DC wasn’t too thrilled with their direction. I have not read those comics before watching the show but after Season 1 and the trailer for Season 2, I will definitely be looking into them to get a much deeper understanding of each character. So don’t feel bad if you haven’t read the comics and this is your first exposure to the series.

Let me know what you’re looking forward to in this new season! I would love to hear your thoughts!