
Funko Pop! Exclusives Released and Screams Anime Heat | #SDCC2018

Funko released their San Diego Comic Con 2018 exclusives for us all to drool over as it is heavily anime themed. Check out some that have released so far to try to cop at SDCC 2018 which features Funko Pop! Animations lines from Sailor Moon, Dragon Ball Z and more.

Pop! Animation: Sailor Moon – Black Lady

Absorbed by the Dark Crystal, The Black Lady is here and
ready to do the Wiseman’s bidding!


Pop! Animation: Dragon Ball Z – Dead Yamcha

He dared to do the impossible. Dead Yamcha serves as a
reminder to not be reckless!



Pop! Animation: Dragon Ball Z – Super Saiyan Broly

Born with a power level of 10,000, add Broly, one of the
most powerful but unpredictable Saiyans, to your collection!


Pop! Animation: Dragon Ball Z – Gold Vegeta

Are you ready now to witness a power not seen for
thousands of years? Vegeta is now a gold SDCC exclusive!


Pop! Animation: Heavy Metal – Bloody Taarna

We’re excited to bring Heavy Metal to our Pop! Animation
line with everyone’s favorite Taarakian warrior maiden, Taarna!
By far from what Funko has released currently before San Diego Comic Con 2018 is pure fire, Gold Vegeta and Broly are my personal highlights. Funko has stated that there are more to come and to stay tune for announcements. GEEK GAME TYTE got you covered on all fronts to deliver the 411 once it drops.
Source: Funko