A Dream Deferred? Make the most of 24 Hours with The Pomodoro Technique

Too many of us have put off trying to work on our goals because we believe we don’t have time because of family, work or other activities.  This results in many of us feeling that we will never reach our true potential because we lack the opportunity to get an education and or resources to attain our ultimate goals.

Gary Vaynerchuk AKA GaryVee stated that, “if you work a 9-5 for someone else you should use the time between 7 pm-2 am to work for yourself.”  One hour a day for one year is 365 hours. How many books can you read and things can you learn to change your life?

Managing 24 Hours in a Day

Many of the people that we admire sacrificed time, money, sleep, and relationships to attain their goals. One way to determine if you are using your time wisely to take a true inventory of what you are doing throughout your entire day.

What many people will notice is that a considerable amount of time is spent on entertainment. Some people spend as much as 4-12 hours a day entertaining themselves by watching television and or social media. The mass consumption of television and social media has played a role in significantly decreasing our attention span. Many of the TED TALKS  on Youtube and other social media sites last approximately 12-18 minutes because after that people may find their smartphones more entertaining than the talks. 

Pomodoro Technique

The Pomodoro Technique, a time management system that reduces the number of distractions is essential to assisting people in attaining their goals.  The time management tool requires the user to concentrate on a task for a 25 minutes interval, Pomodoro, followed by a short break, which consists of 3-5 minutes.  The break increases to 25-30 minutes after completing four tasks on your to-do list before starting the process over again.

It works wonders for people who suffer from procrastination and or having a short attention span.  In order to be successful with this system:

  1. It is essential to have a goal; a plan to reach that goal.
  2. Create a list of daily actions that need to be taken to attain the goal, and to record actions once they have been completed.
  3. There are numerous applications such as calendars, to-do lists, and timers that can be downloaded on your phone or computer that can better assist you with the system.