5 Things You’ll Love About Dead Space Remake If You Never Played | Preview

Release Date
PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X and Series S, Microsoft Windows
Survival horror, Shooter game, Adventure game

I always wanted to play Dead Space, but yes, I was chicken to even attempt years ago. I am not one for horror games, especially horror survivor. Now if you throw some action adventure, a great story, and some fire weapons, then I am all in, and the Dead Space Remake has given me another chance to satisfy my curiosity with the franchise. So for any new comer or those too afraid to think they can play a game like Dead Space, here are 5 things you’ll love about the Dead Space Remake from someone who finally got some game time in, all thanks to EA’s Game Changer Program.


1. Dead Space looks too good to pass up the opportunity to be on the sidelines.

Graphics… yes, let’s be real. The first thing we look for in a remake is how it will look in this day and age of gaming technology. When I fired it up on my PlayStation 5 the graphics impressed me, fluidity, lightening/shading ( a key component), and character designs off rip left me impressed. Now because of how great the game looks, it also reminded me of how realistic the alien monsters will be. But hey, as long as I have weapon zap and annihilate, I am good to go.

2. Since of Awareness and Guidence. Wear Your Headset!

Dead Space is DARK, and there are enemies popping out for jump scares, and you’ll have limited resources. That awareness helps so much due to the great sounds in this game. Definitely wear your headset, yes it is ultra high key scary and will make you paranoid, but this paranoia will save your life in the game! You have a map to help if you get lost, like Zoro from One Piece (fans know the deal).

3. Third Person Combat with Puzzle Solving

Dead Space is a third-person shooter with a focus on survival and puzzle-solving. You play as Isaac Clarke, an engineer who is tasked with fixing the systems of a mining ship overrun by alien creatures. Third person view in this type of game rules over a first person view. Why? because you can see more of your surroundings, versus having tunnel vision and focusing on one thing.

4. Combat is More Than Just Killing, it is Strategy and Levels to This.

This is not your typical kill off of just shooting a foe. In Dead Space, you literally have to strategize dismembering these aliens, rather than relying solely on brute force. Aiming for limbs and weak points is key to surviving encounters with enemies. The controls in Dead Space can take some time to get used to, especially if you’re not familiar with a third person type shooter. What I love are the various options to experiment with different controls to see what best suits you.

5. Having a Great Story Helps Your Curiosity Keep Going For More

The story is a bit complex, but that complexity fosters immersion into what is going on in the perfect way to me. The audio logs and other storytelling elements to fully understand the game’s narrative are key to understanding everything. If you’ve ever played the Bioshock series, it reminds me of that angle of story telling.