Mixer vs. Facebook – Raises Many Questions for Streamers

I’m sure you all know that Microsoft is discontinuing Mixer and partnering with Facebook Gaming. This is heart-breaking for so many people that have spent so much time building a following and a network within Mixer. I am one of those people! Also, there are so many features that Mixer had that made it enjoyable to stream on.  One of the most important features was the ability to co-stream with friends so the viewers of your stream can see both of your gameplay. That helped to grow the community because you were able to build a following with your friends at the same time.  Another one was big for Xbox console gamers because it came integrated into the system.  Some of us gamers/streamers don’t have the space, the setup, or the technical knowledge to have all the other gadgets just to stream.

I don’t know about you, but I have some questions about this abrupt switch. What happens to my level? All the hours of streaming and watching other live broadcasts, gone? Will there be another streaming service that will be integrated with the Xbox consoles to take Mixer’s place? Is Facebook making a console app or will YouTube/Twitch become integrated? What happens to all those Sparks? Even though a lot of us still don’t know what Sparks are for, I collected 10 Million and just like that, they’re gone?

It’s upsetting me and my homegirl because we feel like “well damn if you can’t spend your Sparks on Mixer, where the hell can you spend it?”

There are many questions that I have regarding this change, so I’m looking forward to the Xbox showcase on Thursday, July 23rd. Hopefully, my questions can be answered and I’m sure I’m not the only one looking forward to any news regarding the future of Xbox gaming.