NYCC 2017 – More Cosplay, Attendants and Artist of Color than before

New York Comic Con 2017 has come to an end and I must say this has been the largest I’ve attended over the past 5 years. As the con keeps growing more Nerds/Geeks of color are attending and sharing their affinity to geek culture which is awesome.

Growing up in certain cultures, backgrounds or even in an urban culture within a concrete jungle of a city, a lot of individuals sometimes could never express their love for geek things due to how it was looked upon. If you grew up in the “hood” alone looking like a point Dexter or even exuding high intellectual knowledge was looked down upon in an ignorant way. Now as geek culture has now hit mainstream people of color no longer feel they are left out even from their own and could have safe havens to show off the nerdy subjects they are into which has risen the number of people of color in geek culture.

The numbers have definitely shown at conventions around the world and at New York Comic Con, which is noe the largest in the nation, people of color were glowing in geekdom by the numbers – from spot on cosplay, upcoming artist, celebrities, creators, developers, attendants, media, and more.

Here are some recap of Black Geeks in Action with Cosplay :

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